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16 Nov 2022

The medieval village of Exilles and its churches

Rosanna Carnisio
The history of ancient Exilles (the Excingomagus of the Celts and Exmilia of the Romans) is less linked to that of the fortress of the same name than one might think. From ancient times military …
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31 May 2022

The Fort of Fenestrelle and the Pequerel avalanche guard.

Rosanna Carnisio
An itinerary from Fort St. Charles to Fort of the Valleys, discovering the "great wall of Piedmont," and then reaching Pequerel and its 18th-century avalanche guard.
The Fort of Fenestrelle and the Pequerel avalanche guard.
30 Nov 2021

Who was the Iron Mask, the man imprisoned in Exilles from 1681 to 1687?

Norma Raimondo
Legends and suppositions have been circulating about the true identity of the Iron Mask for centuries. The man, who really existed and was born in 1638 in Paris, was taken prisoner during the reign …
04 Jun 2021

100% Valsusa beer is born and "old-fashioned" breads are being made again

Laboratorio Alte Valli
One hundred percent Susa Valley beer is born. The idea is signed by Mulino Valsusa of Bruzolo, Solaramà Brewery of Vaie and Caffè San Domenico of Sant'Antonino di Susa. "The idea behind it is to …
Roberto Messineo, Massimiliano Spigolon e Davide Zingarelli - Tre eccellenze valsusine unite per creare la birra.jpg
11 Apr 2020

Nicolas Catinat, the French general who destroyed the Castle of Avigliana

Giulia Blandino
You may have already happened to look at the impressive Avigliana Castle and wonder why only ruins remain of it. Lo and behold, such destruction is attributed to Nicolas Catinat and his troops. After …

Filtri sfaccettati

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A bit of History

The medieval village of Exilles and its churches

The history of ancient Exilles (the Excingomagus of the Celts and Exmilia of the Romans) is less linked to that of the fortress of the same name than one might think. From ancient times military works garrisoned by a central authority (the Roman emperors first, the Dolphins, the King of France, and finally the King of Sardinia) were raised in the area, but the fortress garrisons were also recruited from distant countries that had nothing in common with the local inhabitants. The fortress …
16 Nov 2022
Rosanna Carnisio
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The Fort of Fenestrelle and the Pequerel avalanche guard.
Hiking and walking

The Fort of Fenestrelle and the Pequerel avalanche guard.

An itinerary from Fort St. Charles to Fort of the Valleys, discovering the "great wall of Piedmont," and then reaching Pequerel and its 18th-century avalanche guard.
31 May 2022
Rosanna Carnisio
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A bit of History

Who was the Iron Mask, the man imprisoned in Exilles from 1681 to 1687?

Legends and suppositions have been circulating about the true identity of the Iron Mask for centuries. The man, who really existed and was born in 1638 in Paris, was taken prisoner during the reign of Louis XIV of France. His story inspired Alexandre Dumas father, who described him in his novel The Vicomte de Bragelonne.  The Iron Mask has a connection to the Susa Valley in that part of his long imprisonment was spent inside the Fort of Exilles, where he was imprisoned from 1681 to 1687. The …
30 Nov 2021
Norma Raimondo
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Roberto Messineo, Massimiliano Spigolon e Davide Zingarelli - Tre eccellenze valsusine unite per creare la birra.jpg
News from Companies

100% Valsusa beer is born and "old-fashioned" breads are being made again

One hundred percent Susa Valley beer is born. The idea is signed by Mulino Valsusa of Bruzolo, Solaramà Brewery of Vaie and Caffè San Domenico of Sant'Antonino di Susa. "The idea behind it is to grow the area of land cultivated with grains from the valley on our territory," says Massimiliano Spigolon, soul of the Mill, opened a year ago and the only 19th-century mill in the Valley brought back into operation. "If last year, at the start of the project, there were 14 farmers involved, we have …
04 Jun 2021
Laboratorio Alte Valli
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A bit of History

Nicolas Catinat, the French general who destroyed the Castle of Avigliana

You may have already happened to look at the impressive Avigliana Castle and wonder why only ruins remain of it. Lo and behold, such destruction is attributed to Nicolas Catinat and his troops. After his passage through Avigliana, the Castle, built in 924 by the Marquis of Turin Arduin the Glaber, was never rebuilt. But why did Catinat strike Avigliana specifically? Nicolas Catinat was one of the greatest military strategists of the 17th century, known for the meticulousness with which he …
11 Apr 2020
Giulia Blandino
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News from Companies

From the history and meeting of two excellent craftsmen comes the "Bread of the Gods"

The Bread of the Gods began as an experiment and was presented last September at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, but right from the start it has proven to be popular with consumers. So much so that about 40 loaves come out of the Marzo bakery's workshop every Saturday, and they are quickly sold in the two stores in Venaus and Susa and in the two Rivoli stores. A clear expression of territoriality, the Bread of the Gods, made with rye flour, is the result of the marriage between the experience of …
06 Apr 2019
Laboratorio Alte Valli
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